Michelle Moravec – THATCamp Feminisms East 2013 http://feminismseast2013.thatcamp.org The Humanities and Technology Camp Sat, 22 Jun 2013 04:24:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.12 Linguistic Analysis with Digital Tools http://feminismseast2013.thatcamp.org/03/14/linguistic-analysis-with-digital-tools/ Thu, 14 Mar 2013 12:11:47 +0000 http://feminismseast2013.thatcamp.org/?p=179 Continue reading ]]>

Tools in the digital humanities, each time I write “tool” I think “who is going to write that analysis of phallogocentric language in DH?”  However using the master’s tools has been necessary over the past year as I attempted  to figure out how to digitally analyze women’s movement periodicals.  Based on the interest of the participants, this workshop could explore any combination of  four tools, Stéfan Sinclair & Geoffrey Rockwell’s text visualization and analysis suite of tools Voyant  Jon Goodwin’s mallet based topic modeling tool that uses Jstor word frequency data, David Newman’s Mallet  based topic modeling tool that can be used with any txt file, and Laurence Anthony’s AntConc, a freeware concordancer software program.

Participants will get the most out of this workshop if they have a laptop to play along with me.  Down loading tools before hand will also facilitate participation [note voyant requires no downloading].

session notes


