As many of you know, THATCamp Feminisms East is happening simultaneously with THATCamp Feminisms West at Scripps College and THATCamp Feminisms South at Emory University. We are very excited about the opportunity to follow and connect with these sister events in the twittersphere using the following hashtags:
THATCamp Feminisms East: #tcfe
THATCamp Feminisms West: #tcfw
THATCamp Feminisms South: #tcfso
THATCamp Feminisms (All): #tcfem
How you use the hashtags is up to you, but all tweets attached to a hashtag will be archived and made accessible to participants post-camp.
Want to follow other campers at THATCamp Feminisms East? Check out the THATCamp Feminisms East list.
Want to participate in the conversation, but don’t have an account? Create one! Then check out some useful tips here, and let us know if you’d like a brief orientation to Twitter.
Happy tweeting!!