Category Archives: Uncategorized

Yea, Maine THAT Camp!

Yea, Maine! Thank you, Christopher, for volunteering to organize this.  I live in Maine only part time, and always look for a reason to be there.  I would love to facilitate a workshop.

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Thanks to all!

I realize this is a little belated, but I just wanted to say I had an extraordinary time at THATCamp Feminisms East 2013.  I think I felt more inspired and empowered than I have felt in a long time. It … Continue reading

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Video a Go Go

Hands on workshop learning how to use the tools that you ALREADY have (or can buy for under $5.00) to make short videos. Come with footage from the conference and create a collaborative video where EVERYONE gets to contribute footage … Continue reading

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Introduction to the Digital Humanities

Led by Natalia Cecire, this brief, partial, and situated introduction will explore the diversity of disciplinary foundations, methodologies, and practices of digital humanities. After an overview, we will look at a number of existing projects and discuss some core issues … Continue reading

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Workshop: Introduction to Omeka

Omeka is a simple system used by scholarly archives, libraries, and museums all over the world to manage and describe digital images, audio files, videos, and texts; to put such digital objects online in a searchable database; and to create attractive … Continue reading

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Could we perhaps have a conversation about feminist ways of thinking and doing (or also maybe undoing) aesthetics, in various digital media/fields/projects?  I am wondering about: concepts of the beautiful, looking/gazing relationships and power, embodiment, ephemerality, iconography, taste, value, utility, accessibility, … Continue reading

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THATCamp Feminisms Tweets

As many of you know, THATCamp Feminisms East is happening simultaneously with THATCamp Feminisms West at Scripps College and THATCamp Feminisms South at Emory University. We are very excited about the opportunity to follow and connect with these sister events … Continue reading

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Registration is Officially Open

Registration for THATCamp Feminisms East is officially open! To register, fill out the form on the Register page and we will email you with information regarding the status of your registration as soon as possible. If you decide that you … Continue reading

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Announcing THATCamp Feminisms East at Barnard College

The Barnard Center for Research on Women will host THATCamp Feminisms East on Saturday, March 16th, at Barnard College. Stay tuned for more details! Registration coming soon. Have questions or want to get involved? Contact . Meanwhile, read more about … Continue reading

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