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- With Friends Like This . . . ? Digital Humanities and the Right | Click Here. on Feminist Digital Pedagogies
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- Clicks and Cliques: Part III (The THATCamp Converation) | Written/Unwritten: Tenure and Race in the Humanities on Session Proposal: Speaking Silence: Race, Racism, and Feminism in the Academy
- Clicks and Cliques: Part III (The THATCamp Converation) | Written/Unwritten: Tenure and Race in the Humanities on About
- Kim Hall on Session Proposal: Speaking Silence: Race, Racism, and Feminism in the Academy
Marleen Barr
- professor
- cuny
- Twitter: @marleenbarr
The Shallows is an important book because if we wpend so much time using the internet we must know the impact that it is having on our minds.