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- Kim Hall on Session Proposal: Speaking Silence: Race, Racism, and Feminism in the Academy
belinda haikes
- Assistant Professor of Interaction Design
- West Chester University of Pa
- Website: www.belindahaikes.com
- Twitter: @bhaikes
I make stuff, I write, I think. An artist, a designer and thinker; my projects, at their heart, deal with potentiality and possibility. I dream of a utopia, but am trying to understand that dream in the digital age.
I have had "papers" published at the New media Caucus, and the HZ journal. I been in exhibitions all along the Eastern Seaboard, and over the pond too. I teach interaction design to students. And I have "untaught" at the Underacademy College.
I believe that Foucault has more to offer the 21st century than Deleuze because of the relationships that Foucault theorizes about... and I am thinking about this, but realize I may be wrong. I need for Deleuze in my life to verify this.
Also, I believe in drawing every single day.